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To Repair or Replace?

At Ground Force Excavation Ltd., we believe that it is not always necessary to replace your drainage system, sewer system or water service. A water leak in your basement, a back-up in your sewer system, or a small leak in your main water line does not definitively suggest that you have to spend unnecessary dollars in order to relieve the problem. We use are pipe line Video Camera Inspections and pipe line cleaning equipment  to locate and mark out the  problem areas and clear blockages in the lines.


Saving You Money with Replacements

As a result of our combined years of experience, we are often able to identify a repair for the problem as opposed to replacing items that are in working order. Conditions we take into consideration in making the proper determination are the age of your home, maintenance, surrounding environment (trees, creeks, lay of the land), and possible poor previous installation. Ground Force Excavation Ltd. has proudly saved customers thousands of dollars by simply providing a proper inspection and a simple, honest solution.


Saving Money and Eliminating Stress

If left unfixed, deteriorated drainage sewage and waterlines can worsen and cost you a lot of money and unneeded stress. Oftentimes, we are able to identify the necessary repair to your existing system as opposed to needless replacements. So don’t delay – call us today at 604-319-6387 for a free estimate

FREE ESTIMATES   604-319-6387

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